On the occasion of the Kladno Extended Executive Board meeting ČVUT and Kladno introduce the workshop on Energy Communities. Let’s exchange on this important topic and move ourselves further on how the Energy Communities can be designed and implemented in the changing regulatory and market environment across partner countries.
Three main aspects of energy communities to be discussed: motivation and roles, regulatory and administration framework, finance and funding.
Three external experts: Jaroslav Klusák (Prague Renewable Energy Community company, member of the SPARCS Advisory Board), Štěpán Chalupa (Chamber of the Renewable Energy Sources), Michal Svoboda (Expert on public sector motivations)
The results of this workshop also feed into SPARCS deliverables in WP5 and WP6.
OBEC 2030 je edukační a konzultační platforma Sdružení místních samospráv ČR pro podporu komunitní a komunální energetiky na obcích ČR.
Sdružení místních samospráv České republiky, z.s.
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